December 19, 2024

46 thoughts on “The BEST Financial Advice You'll Hear Today!

  1. One lesson I've learnt from billionaires is to always put your money to work, and diversifying your investments. I'm planning to invest about $30k of my savings in stocks this year, and I hope I make profits.

  2. Your commitment to educating your audience is truly admirable. We all aspire to attain financial stability and improve our lives. This goal can be achieved through smart investments, mindful spending, and prudent budgeting. I'm thankful for realizing the significance of striving for financial freedom from a young age.

  3. "Invest in assets not liabilities." This is a tautology. By definition if you are investing, you are dealing with assets. As the person transacting a liability, you are a borrower, not investor. Your liability is the asset of your creditor, who is the investor.

  4. The way to build wealth is saving money. This is especially true to stabilize yourself, hold down for emergencies. Once you can look both ways and cross the street without harm then and only then can you begin to invest.

  5. Best financial advice,
    Network, the way to build success is saving your money, materials shouldn't be the value, invest in assets.
    Subscribe to all the comments so let's help each other grow I guess. What's your take

  6. Retired at 50 few years ago, $1m in the bank. More time with my wife. 3-5 trips to the gym each week that I couldn’t do while working. Way less stress. More time for hobbies. Cycled 5,000 miles my 1st year of retirement. Joined a golf league that work travel had prevented. Actually have seen our net worth INCREASE nearly each year in retirement, thanks to no debt and years of dedicated investing with my FA joanna claire who made me a million after giving her a sum of one hundred and eighty thousand to start. Now i'm able to help my elderly mom more. Way more time spent outdoors with my family. Life is good!

  7. Bullish or bearish, nothing beats the involvement of an expert in any trade or investment, selfishness and greed held many back and they ended up suffering huge losses, and the crypto market- Currencies are no exception.

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