February 9, 2025

40 thoughts on “Why Lego Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider

  1. Before watching the video: There is 0 reason, the sets are becoming less and less creative, the company more and more predatory and the quality is dropping.

    I would recommend looking into alternatives like BlueBrixx and MouldKing where you at least get your moneys worth.

  2. I have to say that I am a little bit disappointed that the video doesn’t mention once how the overall quality of the parts has dropped over the past few years! Especially when you look at Lego’s competitors who are able to produce at a higher quality and still charge a lower price. Also the lack of innovation is outrageous. There are quite some Lego sets that were actually less detailed and made of poorer quality than the same set from a few years prior and still the price had increased by 30% or more. The overall increase in number of Lego pieces per set unfortunately doesn’t matter when the final product is less advanced than its predecessors and doesn’t justify the current Lego prices.

  3. This man is so inspiring !!!! Pursue what you love and what makes you feel good, and what has a deep meaning for you, is a strong message ! I never thought of lego that way, as something so deep and as such a way of expressing oneself !! Truly amazing !!

  4. I'm surprised you're not talking about the lawsuit(s) Lego lost. They sued some other company that used a similar brick design, and the judge effectively ruled that because the bricks are not some exclusive IP, the other company was allowed to market and sell brick shaped toys that a consumer could build. Lego then had to pivot and started aggressively licensing Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and a lot of other IP. I imagine that's probably a big part of the fixed costs in Lego is knowing someone wants to build Hogwarts or the Death Star.

  5. Say what you will about the price-per-piece, I still think it's sad that most of the sets in the Lego aisle at the store are unobtainable for children because of price.

  6. FUN FACT!! Individual adults, mainly men, are not allowed in Legoland without a child in attendance, however, some locations may host special "adult nights" where adults can visit without children present.

  7. I'm an adult fan who's also on the spectrum. Can't afford all the sets, but building Lego has helped with my confidence majorly. When I was younger I couldn't build Lego. My mentality wasn't ready for it yet. But now as an adult I can build anything so long as I have the instructions for them. Now when I complete a larger set it's like a badge of honor or something that I can show off to my friends when they visit. I think it's great. Thank you for the confidence, and memories Lego! Your sets have really improved in the last several years and made it so much more fun.

  8. With the limited selection of Lego sets most of the stores around me possesses the image of it being expensive becomes so much worse. At this point i can only look at them as collector items due to their increased detail and not as building blocks anymore. To me it dampens my creative spirit to build something from those sets a lot. I feel like this video doesn't address the the main point though, just the "price per piece" within a few minutes surrounded by 25 minutes of fluff.

  9. This video didn't even answer the question. How on earth is plastic so expensive, it has to be the least expesnive material to sell. I cannot fathom how one piece of lego is 10 cents. The whole set should cost maybe $5 to produce and if the company wants profit, than maybe sell it for $20, to make $15 profit off each set but no, it costs like $5 to produce and they wanna charge $800.

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