December 19, 2024

27 thoughts on “How much money is in your bank account? 🤔💵 #shorts #finance #interview

  1. She's got $10k at max😂 those jobs don't pay. People say 4 jobs like it's all day every day. Every job is part-time I work 1 job 70 hours😂

  2. For that second girl, i feel sorry for her. she worked 4 jobs and probably never seen overtime because each of those jobs would only give her part time…. the system is messed

  3. So judgy. The American family is under attack. Black people tried to warn yall in the 80s. Wether its crack, opioids, child trafficking, absolute ungodly medical expenses, or anything else
    Its making it harder for us to get ahead

  4. I appreciate the one girls tenacity in the middle to be a go-getter, but I hope she can balance out that energy for herself to have a life, too. I hope the hustle for the year was able to land her in a better paying job so she can have a life/breathing room for herself.

    Though it's nice to make bank, youth is only there for so long before your body starts to break down, due to old age, regardless of how fit/healthy the person is.

    Yes, it's good to move it, so you don't lose it, which helps with longevity and health in the long run of things, but if she were my daughter, I would want her to to pull in her reigns a little bit. So she's not squandering her youth away.

    Though commendable of her to help people, while making money. There's some things money can't bring back, which is time with family, friends and loved ones. Life experiences she wants to do. Not just work experiences.

    Again, there is no hate or even jealousy on her endeavors. Just concerned for these types of kids that can quickly get caught up in the rat race this way, then burn out, and their health takes a toll on those consequences of constantly working, without much rest. 🩵✨️

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