The very beginning when he stepped into the White House I never trusted this man He's corrupt and a lier Does not care about our country and American citizens at all!!!!!
I don't even understand any of this. What is the point of even talking about it. He is flying immigrants in from other countries, dispersing them by bus throughout American cities, but the southern border is an issue now? This will be a massive mess very soon.
He won’t even admit the boarder invasion is his fault . 2500 is too much. This whole bill nonsense does nothing . How about use your executive order and say zero can enter . ZERO . Gaslighting tool .
Dems letting illegals into the country in hopes of votes could also backfire in many ways. One is pissing off American voters faster than you can let illegals in and vote. Another is that most of these illegals are probably not as stupid as the Democratic Party, and they are leaving their banana republic country for a better life. Like America as they hoped it to be. Also to a country where their vote actually counts. And with a little brains, choose not to vote for Democrats because they are tired of living in a corrupt banana republic. Hopefully they see that the America they dreamed about only runs under Republican control. And for any illegals reading this, prosperity, peace, and freedom are over here, guys! Your only one vote away from it! Don't come all this way just to be a dumbass. It's unfortunate, but America already has more than it can handle.
Anyone can lie to get in , socialism ,using our tax dollars for everyone but us americans.
Biden is so lost, anyone could make better decisions truly seems socialist.
Why do they want to put trump down and let joe biden get by the way they do things they need to bidien in jail for what they Ben boning
Must have enough voters now then 🙄
The very beginning when he stepped into the White House I never trusted this man He's corrupt and a lier Does not care about our country and American citizens at all!!!!!
This will only make many democrats look bad
Don't worry Joe. Americans are ready to handle the illegal alien issue.
Joe Biden is owned by his Chinese Masters. Nobody believes a word out of his mouth. He's senile and a profuse liar when he does have a lucid moment.
We want it completely closed. Shut itbdown.
He’s as dumb as a box of rocks they are walking in all over the place
I don't even understand any of this. What is the point of even talking about it. He is flying immigrants in from other countries, dispersing them by bus throughout American cities, but the southern border is an issue now? This will be a massive mess very soon.
Biden sucks!!!!🤬😡💯💯
Little late isn't it what about the 15 million he welcomed in?
Biden should be impeached just admitted he broke the law . What a idiot trying to get votes
It’s too late FJB
What an evil man Biden is!!
wow! Senator Cramer really knows his stuff! He lays it out step for step! Thanks Maria for bringing him on!
What's he going to do about all of the 10 million illegals that are already hete?
2,500 a day?! This executive order is a joke. There is a hidden agenda. Vote accordingly. F J B
Be glad when Biden is gone.i don't see why he's aloud to do more damage to the country.everthing he does is bad.then he lies àbout it.
He won’t even admit the boarder invasion is his fault . 2500 is too much. This whole bill nonsense does nothing . How about use your executive order and say zero can enter . ZERO . Gaslighting tool .
Dems letting illegals into the country in hopes of votes could also backfire in many ways. One is pissing off American voters faster than you can let illegals in and vote. Another is that most of these illegals are probably not as stupid as the Democratic Party, and they are leaving their banana republic country for a better life. Like America as they hoped it to be. Also to a country where their vote actually counts. And with a little brains, choose not to vote for Democrats because they are tired of living in a corrupt banana republic. Hopefully they see that the America they dreamed about only runs under Republican control. And for any illegals reading this, prosperity, peace, and freedom are over here, guys! Your only one vote away from it! Don't come all this way just to be a dumbass. It's unfortunate, but America already has more than it can handle.
Go Celtics!
Joe wanted chaos, he got them!!! FFF Mummy!!!!