December 9, 2024

34 thoughts on “Saving vs Investing

  1. I've kept much of my savings in cash for safety, but I'm unsure if it's right for retirement. Contemplating investing $400K in stocks, as I've heard investors can profit in tough times. Unsure about my next move.

  2. Don't get discouraged just because you can "only" invest like $100 per month. It can compound to tremendous wealth over the course of decades. The important thing is that you keep going!

  3. I have a questiong here, what happening when you invest and after that you sell your stock on 10 years, I do the math is not teally to much how you are earing a side your invesment after taxes, My questiong is really worty to invested if At the end I just esrn 1000 usd 😅?

  4. Saving and investing are two steps to self-love. With as little as
    $5, you can start
    building a financially secure future. Remember money is never enough.

  5. Smart person was so smart he knew he was in a YouTube video so he decided to break the fourth wall, well done 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🥹🥹🥹🥹😊

  6. Let’s be honest though no bank offers that low an interest rate though and banks are FDIC insured. And yes, I save and invest (Vanguard index funds, Robinhood, real estate, etc.)

  7. I'm in my 50s and I'm more interested in investments that could set me up for retirement , I mean I've heard of people that netted hundreds of thousands during these crash, I listened to someone on a podcast who earned over $650K in less than a year, what's the strategy behind such returns?

  8. Savings is more like 3-5% realistically. And it’s perfectly fine for people with low risk tolerance or who can’t afford to lose that money if the market drops and wait x years to recover it

  9. My bank charges me negative 0.2% interest… I pay them to hold my money. Also the local government charges me 0.5% on the first 500k then 0.36% on the rest. However 0% taxes capital gains 🎉🎉

  10. I learned my lesson from my Dad. He lost 80 percent of his retirement in one day when the stock market crashed in 2008. I will not put a dime in the Wall Street casino.

  11. 15,000 in 5 years. You’re joking right? With today’s INTENTIONALLY Inflated economy, that amount wouldn’t even last for 3 months. Realistically speaking people should be making $300.00 and up PER day.

  12. There is an oppurtunity cost for both. You should have mentioned how investing in the stock market could very well be dangerous cause the prices change every second. It takes more risk. If you don't want that storing money in a savings account is less risky

  13. So yes but also no. There are some banks with higher yield savings accounts. Try and find these banks and move your savings there. At least a small amount. Stocks are not always liquid and they can go down. So typically you want an emergency fund in savings. The amount varies on how much you make but as someone who has had random home repair issues i can say that I want a reasonable amount in savings so I can instantly fix those things. Once that's there immediately dump all extra savings into the stock market yes.

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