December 19, 2024

31 thoughts on “Mark Cuban – The #1 Reason Why Most People Fail In Business

  1. Nearly every single thing mark said of a college is not true they don't teach you how to learn anymore they now teach you what to think a community college course for 99 bucks try $800.

  2. Your title already is a negative.
    If you don't try, you will never find out.
    It's better to try and fail, than never even try because you will never find out, and you will regret it.

  3. This is one of the few entrepreneur advice videos that made me instantly not aspire to be the speaker. Constantly looking over your shoulder for who is going to 'kick your ass' , negative reinforcement, advocating higher education as the best option. I sense bitterness and internal misery.

  4. Watching the cold bucket interview with kevin hart and then this, it really amazes me how mark can talk like one of the homies but also like a brilliant multi billionaire. EQ and IQ off the charts

  5. 00:06 🧠💼 Lack of effort and lack of learning contribute to business failure. Entrepreneurs need to put in the effort to understand their industry and outwork the competition.
    01:04 🧠💪 Combination of brains (knowledge about the industry) and effort is crucial for business success, especially in a competitive environment. Continuous learning and preparation are key.
    03:12 🎓💰 College education, especially in accounting, finance, marketing, and sales, provides valuable skills for entrepreneurs. Understanding the language of business is essential, even if self-motivated individuals can learn independently.
    05:03 🧠🚀 Continuous learning is vital in business, given the constant changes. The ability to adapt and acquire new information is crucial for staying competitive and successful.
    06:35 🕵‍♂ Entrepreneurs need to be self-aware, passionate, focused, and well-prepared. The questions they ask during interviews reveal their level of preparation and commitment.
    07:59 🕵‍♂ A healthy level of paranoia is essential in business. Anticipating competitors' moves and being self-aware of your strengths and weaknesses is crucial for success.
    09:39 🚀 Speed of business growth depends on the entrepreneur's skill set and the nature of the business. Identifying low-hanging fruit, getting commitments from customers, and iterating based on feedback contribute to accelerated growth.
    10:41 📞💼 Regardless of financial success, Mark Cuban emphasizes the importance of doing the work. He shares personal experiences of making phone calls to season ticket holders to grow the Dallas Mavericks' fan base.

  6. If anyone is able to get previous season tickets holders to pony up, it's going to be Mark Cuban more than anyone else, bar none. Makes complete sense, and really it's the only way to do that task.

  7. Being an entrepreneur is not easy guys but don't be discouraged.  Here's good points.

    1. Solve a problem and offer a better solution. So dont think of an idea. Think of a problem to solve. This is very important.

    2. When you have a solution to a problem be different meaning you can offer lower cost or offer be quality or better delivery times. Something differentiated.

    3. If you don't have large reserves of money it will be hard to compete in mature markets. So better to create a product or service that is innovative. And enter a newer market that's growing. Example a.i, sustainable consumption these markets are growing fast so easier to open a company in this.

    So live in the future and build something you really want and it solves a problem.

    And have mindset and visualization where you want to be do this daily. I recommend reading 2 books. Think and grow rich. And 7 habits of successful people.

  8. Really great video! I had the mindset of not going to college to learn about business. I found out the hard way that it an almost impossible feat. Therefore, I went back to college, gained two diplomas, and am putting in the work to get where I know I can be. Great advice!

  9. For years I worked in an industry a job I hated but it paid well and it paid the bills. Little did I realize that I was learning my future business. A business I eventually came to love doing. I hated it because it was the people I was working with, not the industry. I realized that later in life.

    I know the ins and out of my upcoming business, I’ve made friends with previous clients.

    I’m currently writing a business plan, to be honest I’m nervous but excited at the same time.
    But I want to be smart about this. Any tips are welcomed as this is my first startup.

  10. In light of the ongoing global economic crisis, it is crucial for everyone to prioritize investing in diverse sources of income that are not reliant on the government. This includes exploring opportunities in stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies. Despite the challenging economic situation, it remains a favorable time to consider these investments.

  11. Your Videos Are Engaging, But I've Always Found A Special Charm In Content Without Background Music. It Allows For A Different Level Of Connection With The Creator. Keep Up The Good Work!

  12. I disagree with going to college because the cost of starting a business with a degree is that you end up with a massive debt to start with and lose that time and energy for a piece of paper (unless you wanna become a doctor, lawyer, engineer etc.). Yes, those skills are important, but you can learn from the students who go through those courses or the professionals in the field. You can shorten that learning curve. If you don't want to learn, then business is definitely not for you anyway. In that case, you should get a job and find out what resonates with you the most and then start your own business.

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