December 19, 2024

22 thoughts on “How to Start Investing for Beginners (step-by-step)

  1. Thank you so much! It’s amazing how we never learn any of this in school but are constantly asked what we want to be when we grow up. How about financially savvy and stable? I appreciate you doing a walk thru! ❤

  2. A very beginner here. Thanks for you content. I have seen the SP500 is the right option for beginner but which platform should I use? I don't know from where start with it.

  3. @Rose Han do you take profits from your investments on some cadence? I know investing is for the long-term but it still seems like I should be monitoring my accounts and taking some profits where possible so that my entire portfolio doesn't vanish if the market happens to go to shit the moment I'm ready for retirement. But I don't know how much profit to take because too much just looks like I'm shuffling the same dollars back and forth between cash and stocks. Does that make sense? 😅

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