December 19, 2024

28 thoughts on “Elon Musk On Why You Should NOT Study Finance/Law

  1. He wants people to be engineers to start their own startups in order to create jobs and to compete with other countries that are taking jobs away from the country.

  2. Nope. He’s wrong. We have an efficient level of engineers. I’ve never seen anyone say a major project was impossible because not enough people were working on designing it. It’s almost always a resource or financial constraint. Finance guys that are conscious of society (that’s the actual problem) while also being money hungry are extremely important for resource allocation. The more super intelligent people we have in the financial sector the faster effective producers are spotted and identified and the less sensationalism we have in the markets. Two things that are exceptionally good for engineering and tech firms eho need resources and also don’t want to be screwed over by major swings in asset prices and resource allocation due to incompetence

  3. Hate Elon, but yeah I changed my major from finance to marketing, bcz marketing is what makes things come to life, we innovate products to full fill needs/wants of consumers.

  4. The thing is that minds that are well suited for the law are very different from engineers.

    Finance and engineering are not as far apart. As I dropped out of engineering school and now make more money than I would have in finance.

  5. It's a wage issue. I machine steel to blue print specifications and could make plenty of my own stuff. There's plenty of extremely smart Machinists. We can't make mistakes. It's a bunch of perfectionists doing high precision work. I would of went to school for engineering, but I couldn't afford to like the majority of people that want to go to college due to having children and a house/vehicles.

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