February 9, 2025

31 thoughts on “7 Money Tips I Wish I Knew In My 20s

  1. Your videos are always so informative and easy to watch and follow along! So glad I found your channel, thank you for such detailed explanations on topics that a lot of people aren't super knowledgable about, and also for how aesthetically pleasing your setup/editing is! 🙂

  2. Hey just a heads up that the subtitles in this video were off several times to the point where it was showing a completely different word than what you were saying several times. For example, at one point you said "your current field" and the subtitles said "your current failure." Yikes.

  3. Hi Nishca enjoy watching your videos but all the information seems too generalised. Good tips on what to do but no information on how to do it. How do I open an isa? How do I start an index fund? Can you do a video on this please?

  4. Hello! @Nischa, I have recently discovered your channel, and I have to say I love your content! I am 31 now and I do not consider I have been great at managing my finances up until now. With your content I feel motivated to do so, so thank you! 😊❤️ Also, I can deffo see the “no bs approach” and “transparency” in your videos😊😊. Keep it up 🥰👏

  5. thank you so much NIscha for all your hard work ♥

    I'm currently in Italy and would like to learn what my choices are; any tips on where I can look up for information online?

    thanks again!

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